News – Page 7 – Learning & Development Associates

COVID-19: Business Update – 6 April 2020

COVID 19 – Learning & Development Associates response These are unprecedented times for everyone and we at Learning & Development Associates are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of everyone in our team and all of our existing and potential clients. Therefore, in accordance with government guidance, we have now amended our delivery…

How L&DA Risk and Resilience qualifications can help water and sewerage organisations strengthen their resilience in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak!

During these extremely challenging times which will test the resilience of the water industry as never before it is important that all of us in the water industry pull together in the months ahead to keep those vital services that our customer rely on going. We in L&DA are committed as part of the water…

Leakage in a Technological World

Avoiding the Trap of Teams with “All the Gear but No Idea” We’ve come a long way. In the words of Fatboy Slim “We’ve come a long, long way together, through the hard time and the good” and the water industry today is almost unrecognisable when compared to the bodies privatised in 1989. Investment has…

Cogent skills partnership

A New Training Partnership for the Water Sector Cogent Skills Training Ltd and Learning and Development Associates Ltd, (L&DA) are delighted to announce the launch of their strategic partnership; supplying world class training provision to the Water Sector. Why work with us? The Drinking Water Inspectorate has been explicit in setting out its expectation that…

Waste Water Treatment

L&DA are pleased to be able to announce that their very first student undertaking the new Level 5 Award in the Management of Waste Water Treatment has now qualified This is the first qualification at this Level in the UK and marks the achievement of a qualification approved to the national framework in 2018 The…

Water Networks

L&DA are pleased to be able to announce that their very first student undertaking the new Level 5 Award in the Management of Water Networks has now qualified! This is the first qualification at this Level in the UK and marks the achievement of a qualification approved to the national framework in 2018 The student,…

A New Water Training Partnership

Utility and Construction Training Ltd. (UCT) and Learning and Development Associates Ltd. (L&DA) are extremely pleased to announce the launch of their strategic partnership in supplying world class Training provision to the Water Sector. Why work with us? UCT and L&DA are both committed to supporting ‘Workforce Resilience’ as the industry readies itself for the…