Utility and Construction Training Ltd. (UCT) and Learning and Development Associates Ltd. (L&DA) are extremely pleased to announce the launch of their strategic partnership in supplying world class Training provision to the Water Sector.
Why work with us?
UCT and L&DA are both committed to supporting ‘Workforce Resilience’ as the industry readies itself for the impact of PR19. The Drinking Water Inspectorate have been explicit in setting out there expectations for all Water Companies to have the workforce competence and behaviours necessary to protect public health and deliver a continuous supply of safe drinking water. All Water companies and their supply chain companies will have strategies for ensuring their staff have the right skills and the right leadership development in place to enable the ongoing success of their sustainable business plans.
UCT & L&DA have formed their partnership to work closely with the Water Sector to design and develop interventions to specifically address these challenges across the full spectrum of Industry needs.
UCT currently have over 200 apprentices going through apprenticeships in either Power or Gas or Water and by the end of the year over 100 apprentices specifically in Water. UCT trainers and facilities are recognised as market leading, especially delivering existing frameworks, ‘new standard’ and End Point Assessments. Safety as you can imagine in the Power sector- (apprentices carry out ‘live working’), is paramount as well as the Gas and Water sectors we understand the need for safety and quality there is never a compromise.
There has been a large investment into Water training facilities at the UCT Carrington headquarters as well as new training facilities opened in Barnet, North London, Manston in Kent and Bridgwater in the South West. UCT, also, were awarded the Institute of Water/CABWI Training Organisation of the year 2018.
L&DA are Water and Environmental specialists who bring bespoke company specific interventions to the Water Sector. They are a group of like-minded senior professionals, who have achieved industry-wide recognition for excellence in their own particular fields of expertise, whilst continuing to serve the learning needs of the industry.
Focussing on people and process L&DA brings its skills and expertise and network to provide advice and direction and interventions to the Industry supporting the wide range of learning needs of the Water Sector.
With their breadth of knowledge and vision, L&DA makes its capabilities available to the sector through specialist design, delivery, project management, assessment and embedment of expertise and advisory services.
L&DA are outcome driven, listening closely to the needs of their Clients, communicating from the outset clearly and concisely with language and terminology common to the Water sector, they understand the market and its current and future challenges and are committed to providing learning interventions that will support and develop the industry going forward.
UCT and L&DA staff have many years experience of working in Water regulated businesses as well as supporting the Supply Chain. Our knowledge of the Water skills market and main stakeholders and strategies will bring to the market a new approach to addressing needs across a range of roles and requirements
What the UCT/L&DA partnership can offer
Water Sector experience and knowledge encompassing experienced senior management and training delivery staff able to deliver interventions, including Apprenticeships, from Level 2 to to Level 7 post graduates
- OFSTED approved delivery
- Strong leadership and management of the 360 degree training process
- Programme and project management skills, PRINCE 2 Practitioners, on every programme or project there is a named manager, administration lead, QA person and mentor as required.
- Accredited providers with all the main awarding bodies and external quality benchmarks
- Approved on the RoATP and OFSTED and ESFA
- State of the Art reporting processes and information systems including on-line assessment
- Using Technology and media to best effect for the learner and employers
- Professional Coaching & Hogan profiling and senior and director level bespoke solutions
- Experience in facilitating and managing End Point Assessments for the Water Sector Standard apprenticeships
- Experience in Managed Service Provision models of training delivery as main provider and sub contractor.
- Excellent training delivery accompanied by friendly, knowledgeable, professional administrative back office teams to ensure the learning journey is managed in the right way, and agreed outcomes are achieved.
Our partnership will at all times be responsive and committed to supporting in the best way we can to ensure learners get the best possible learning experience available. At the same time we know we are in a cost sensitive market so always we aim to provide the best fit for purpose training at the most competitive rates.
We would be delighted for an opportunity to meet with you and your team to discuss any support you may need now or in the future.
Best regards