Level 5 Certificate in the Management of Adaptation to Climate Change – Learning & Development Associates
This qualification is designed for Operational Managers and Directors across all sectors. It provides training on identifying climate impacted decisions, and how best to govern those decisions to ensure they are “climate-informed”.

Participants will learn about the tried and tested practices that ensure the impacts of a changing climate can be addressed across full life cycles of decision outcomes (from short-term outcomes involving current climate, to long-term outcomes involving future climate change scenarios).Training on relevant climate scenario data and approaches on how they relate to mainstreaming this knowledge within organisational plans, policies and strategies will be provided.

This qualification trains managers on the concepts of adaptive management approaches, prioritisation of actions, and how to tailor responses to organisational roles and responsibilities. The course also has a focus on organizational learning, ensuring strategic directions learn from delivery experience.

The qualification addresses the practical competencies required for the effective management of the impacts and uncertainty from a changing climate. It can be used to provide evidence of organisational competence for regulators, shareholders, financiers, customers, and numerous other types of third party stakeholders.This includes an understanding of the “rules of engagement” when reporting on adaptation to climate change.

Learning Outcomes

For their area of responsibility:

  • Describe the potential impacts of a changing Climate
  • Understand the importance and application of developing strategic approaches to a Changing Climate
  • Describe approaches to developing Climate Change resilience and explain the desired outcomes
  • Understand the systemic interdependencies related to a Changing Climate
  • Understand the effect of Climate Change on Risk and Resilience strategy
  • Describe how to implement, communicate, evaluate and improve a Climate Change Resilience plan


Candidates must demonstrate the level of knowledge and/or skills described in the units. Assessment is the process of measuring a candidate’s knowledge and understanding against the standards set in the qualification.

Each candidate is required to produce evidence which demonstrates their achievement of all of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit.

Upon successful completion of their qualification, learners are able to progress to further learning within the suite of Level 5 Qualifications – i.e. completing an Award or Certificate and topping up to Foundation Degree and on to Honours Degree.

Learners may also wish to further their ongoing personal and professional development by accessing other qualifications.

Summary – Certificate

Level 5
Number of Credits 2
Guided Learning Hours 20
Course Duration 3 Days
Course pre-requisites There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. Centres should carry out an initial assessment of candidate skills and knowledge to identify any gaps and help plan the assessment.

More Information

Please fill in the form below to request more details on the qualification and to download the qualification leaflet.