Features & Benefits
Leadership Coaching utilising Hogan Psychometrics results in rapid performance improvement. It is applied ‘on the job’ and dovetailed into ongoing business activities, providing a practical context for leadership development. Return on investment is more immediate as leaders apply learning directly to current business challenges they face.
Hogan Coaching sessions can be dovetailed flexibly to any ongoing coaching programme, providing new insights into hidden leadership qualities. Coaches will work flexibly with other in house or external coaches, to ensure smooth integration within the current coaching programme.
How it works
We recommend the combined use of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) and Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and the Motives, Values and Preferences Inventory (MVPI) to provide a very strategic and holistic insight to leadership qualities.
The candidate will be provided with his/her own unique code and password to complete the online HPI, HDS and MVPI questionnaires which usually takes around 45 minutes. We then provide an in depth Hogan Leadership Coaching Report and accompanying explanatory documentation, for consideration by the leader prior to the coaching session.
Hogan Coaching sessions are normally conducted remotely using web and telephone conferencing facilities, last about one hour and a half and are entirely confidential between the leader and Hogan Coach. At the end of the session a set of development actions will be identified. Depending upon what has previously been agreed, highlights of the development actions may be shared with the leader’s normal coach or other colleagues as may be considered appropriate. Depending upon requirements, additional short follow through coaching support sessions can be arranged or a full coaching programme implemented.
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