Adaptation to Climate Change – Learning & Development Associates

LDA and Climate Sense provide training solutions to allow organisations to plan and implement actions for climate change resilience.

Below is feedback from some of our recent courses/webinars:

the climate change module was something I’ve not really thought about before, but it’s certainly interesting to think about and think of ways to safely build resilience into the future.

Climate change was good as I was doing things day to day that would help but not knowing it was Climate change related.

can now talk to management about trying to keep improving what we do to help Climate change

make sure climate change discussions are part of the wider conversations when planning improvements to our water production processes

The knowledge and practical examples provided by the instructors are invaluable and have made the understanding far better.

I didn’t know about adaption to climate change so was really good session and can consider when having conversations in work. Didn’t know much about the process prior so was able to gain an understanding of the various processes used.

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